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Model: VX-950 plus fiber_new

VX-950 plus

This is an instrument provided for controlling an electronic expansion valve, in addition to overheating, pressure, defrost and ambient temperature control. This means that the VX-950 plus controls the liquid flow and also the refrigeration process like defrost, replacing the controller or thermostat of a installation. This product is compatible with the most common valve sizes for commercial refrigeration systems, designed for installations with evaporators up to 35kW of power.

Because of its precision and technology, this product generates an immediate saving of around 20% in the acquisition of equipment for the cooling system, once they can be compact and have less capability. You can see a saving in the system's energy efficiency, in addition to other advantages such as endurance and less maintenance of the compressors.
With the whole system, it is possible to monitor the controls in three ways: only with Sitrad; only with the Human-Machine Interface (HMI) or both (at different RS-485 networks). Using only a Human-Machine Interface (HMI) can monitor up to 32 controllers VX-950 plus for viewing measures, parameter setting functions and commands such as manual defrost and function block.
It has a serial communication for connection to Sitrad.
VEE Selector - choosing the ideal valve for your installation
Dimensions: 84 x 120 x 40 mm (VX-950 plus) - 71 x 28 x 71 mm (HMI)
Application example: Walk-in coolers and freezers, refrigerated cabinets and displays.

For info on the valve please follow this link .

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