Full Gauge
Since 1985., Full Gauge Controls has developed and manufactured a broad range of unique, feature-packed, and microcomputer-based temperature, humidity, time and pressure controllers. Full Gauge stands as a world leader in the HVACR controllers industry. Full Gauge products are used in many applications in air conditioning, heating, refrigeration, and solar heating systems.
At Full Gauge, highly trained professional technicians constantly work to improve products to meet market demands and client expectations. Continuous research and development ensures products are the most innovative and technologically advanced. This high degree of technological development justifies the registration of many industrial patents for the protection of Full Gauge’s intellectual properties.
Having participated in expositions and events of its sector for many years, Full Gauge Controls is rapidly growing in the global market. Full Gauge’s annual agenda includes the most recognized expos of its category, such as SIRRAA (Salon Internaclonal de Refrigeracion Y Aire Acondicionado, in Argentina), FEBRAVA (Feira internacioal de Refrigeracao, Ar Condicionado, Ventilacao, Aquecimento e Tratamento de Ar, in Brazil), AHR EXPO (Air Conditioning Heating Exposition, in United States and Mexico), and IKK (Internationale Fachmesse Kalte, Klima, Luftung and Hannover Messe, in Germany)